As the protagonist of the Beyblade Burst Turbo/Cho-Z anime and manga series, Aiger Akabane is referred to as Aiga Akaba (, Akaba Aiga) in Japan. Aiga builds his own Turbo/Cho-Z Beyblade, the Z Achilles 11 Xtend, after being inspired by Valt Aoi's Winning Valkyrie 12 Volcanic. He then travels to the big city in an effort to face Valt, whom he finally defeats thanks to the menacing abilities of his Turbo Beyblade.
Aiger's quest has seen him acquire two new Beyblades: the Turbo/Cho-Z Achilles 00 Dimension, his current Turbo Beyblade, and the Z Achilles 11 Xtend+, an earlier version of which was destroyed by Phi in their combat after the Dead Gran.